Tuesday, January 12, 2010

St. Kilda

Our last night in Melbourne was spent in a beach community known as St. Kilda. This was a fun area and if we were to go back we would probably spend more time there. We checked in to our hotel, showered and with Kevin and Adam in tow went to a popular spot called the Esplanade Hotel, more commonly referred to as the Espy. Thankfully, we had been warned earlier in the day that if we called it the Esplanade, people would recognize us as tourists/outsiders right away. As if our rockin' accents didn't already give that way... Anyway, we drank some beers there and then moved on to the Pelican.

The Espy

Pratt and vW enjoying the sunset

9 PM sunset! Summer is awesome!

The Pelican is actually a sister restaurant to the one we went to earlier in the day, The Royal Saxon. We all split a tapas meal and had some more to drink before calling it a day! Two things happened between dinner and parting ways that are still bringing a smile to our faces. First, we decided to treat our ordering at the Pelican as if it were a fantasy football draft. Each person had two picks and when the poor waitress came to take our order, we went around the table twice and all ordered our picks. I'm sure she thought we were crazy, but we certainly entertained ourselves! Secondly, when we were leaving, Adam offered to drop us off back at our hotel. After making two highly illegal u-turns, we realized that the hotel was in fact directly across from the restaurant. Hilarity ensued. It honestly felt like a scene from a movie (and during the confusion and laughter, we successfully slipped the 50 note that Adam and Kevin tried to give us for dinner back into Adam's car. We won!)

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