Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Shoes and Frocks..

One of the items I wanted to see while in Melbourne was the Ian Potter Centre. This is a museum in Fed Square with aboriginal art. Well, my poor planning was in effect because like most museums, it was closed on Monday. So we looked through the store of the other museum, the National Gallery of Victoria, and continued on our way.

Federation Square

Umbrella art in the atrium of the closed museums

Cricket on the big screen in Federation Square

We decided to venture out to Bridge Street and Chapel Street. Our friend in the Gold Coast, Jonny, told us to go to Bridge Street for our shoes, and Chapel Street our frocks. If you look closely in the pictures, Lindsey is pointing her toes in front of the Bridge sign and I am holding my dress in front of the Chapel street sign.

Chapel Street = place to get frocks

Bridge Road = place to get shoes

We shopped and walked…..well we really just walked. Things were very expensive in Australia. The exchange rate was almost 1:1 and things are just more pricey. I was in love with this t-shirt that had bicycles on it but the price for it was $80. Shoes sales had cheaply made shoes for the low low price of $90! We stopped in at a great little bar called the Royal Saxon for a mid day cocktail too.

My favorite Australian also met up with us on this day. My friend Ryan Fletcher who used to live in Encinitas but now lives in Barwon Heads where he grew up, drove up to meet us. We were actually thinking of driving down to meet him but we were too scared after seeing a hook turn that is utilized when turning right in Melbourne. Ask us if you want to know what that is. We grabbed beers and some food at a local Irish bar and then did some more walking and looking.

Ryan and Jaime

Off to St. Kilda!

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